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Frequently Asked Questions


When and where can I get information about upcoming Go Encounter trips?

Go Encounter trips are announced at Global Chapel at the beginning of each Academic Year. After that, a list of the destinations, cost, and trip descriptions are available to all students here, on the Portal, and in the Institute for Global Studies. You can also email for more information.

Do I need a passport to sign up for a Go Encounter trip?

No, you do not need a passport to sign up for a Go Encounter trip.

However, we strongly encourage you to apply for one as soon as possible, even before applying for a trip. Passport processing times vary and can be up to 18 weeks - so please plan ahead! A passport is normally valid for 10 years. For information on how to apply for a passport, visit the US Department of State's website here.


For all international trips, a copy of your passport must be turned into the Institute for Global Studies by the required due dates. See our Go Encounter page for exact dates. If you believe that you will not receive your passport by the exact due date, please contact our office for an extension and further guidance.


If we do not have a copy of your passport for an international trip, you will not be allowed to go on the trip. You do not need a passport if you are traveling within the United States; however, you will be required to turn in a copy of your government-issued ID, such as a driver's license.

Is there a waiting list for Go Encounter trips?

If a trip fills up quickly, sometimes a waitlist is created. Students are notified when they are put on the waitlist & the number of where they are on the waitlist. Waitlists are first come, first serve. It is important to note that while participants may drop out as we get closer trip departures, it is unlikely that a spot will open up during regular registration times. If you do not want to wait, it is recommended that you select another open trip.

Can my family member join the Go Encounter trip?

Non-students and alumni are always welcome to join any Go Encounter trips, if space is available! They can complete the same application that students fill out.

Where do I deposit my $250 to reserve my spot on a trip?

After completing an application, your application will be processed. If a spot is open for you on the trip, you will receive an email from the Institute for Global Studies ( with directions on how to make your deposit. You must make your NON-REFUNDABLE & NON-TRANSFERRABLE $250 DEPOSIT in the Student Services Hub on the second floor of Indiana Hall within two business days. The Student Services Hub will then notify the Institute for Global Studies to confirm your spot.

Can I switch trips once I have deposited?

Our policy does not allow you to switch trips once you have deposited. We suggest reading the trip descriptions to know what the trip entails and contacting the trip leaders for more information. If there are extraordinary circumstances, please contact the Institute for Global Studies (

How do I withdraw from a trip?

In order to withdraw from a trip you must email or stop by the Institute for Global Studies to receive a withdrawal form. After filling out the required information, you must have the form signed by the Program Coordinator of the Institute for Global Studies. It is important to note that students are responsible for any payments made towards their trip in accordance with the refund schedule. The $250 deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERRABLE.

How do I pay for my trip?

For current students, Go Encounter charges are posted to the student accounts before the beginning of the semester when their trip will take place. In other words, December trip charges are posted with Fall tuition bills, Spring Break trip charges are posted with Spring tuition bills, and May trip charges are posted with Summer tuition bills. Students may pay their bills any way that they normally do! Financial aid, scholarships, and loans may apply. Students must be able to pay their bill in full OR set up a payment plan to pay their bill before the beginning of the semester in which their trip will take place. Students are encouraged to meet with financial aid ahead of time for any additional need.


Non-students and alumni are invoiced the total cost of the trip at least one month before departure.


If a trip ends up costing more than the original posted charge, participants will be charged the remainder at a later date. If a trip ends up costing less than the original posted charge, participants will be refunded at a later date.

How can people make donations towards my trip?

In your acceptance email, you will receive information, including a donation form, to send out to family and friends to help raise money for your trip. Donors can make non-tax-deductible contributions directly to you or to your student account. Donors can make tax-deductible contributions by sending cash or checks with the donation form to the Advancement Office. Your name (the student's) cannot be anywhere on the check to be tax-deductible. Online gifts can be made at by selecting Go Encounter trips under Designation and writing your name and trip destination in the Comments.


All donations should be received no later than your trip departure. Please make sure to indicate this to all potential donors! In the event that your raise more funds than are needed for your trip, tax-deductible gifts cannot be refunded and will be placed in the Go Encounter fund to support the program.


Tax-deductible donations cannot be accepted for alumni or non-student participants.

I am interested in assisting to lead a trip. What are the responsibilities of being a student leader?

Go Encounter student leaders must be approved by the trip leaders. Student leaders will receive a discount off the total cost of the trip. Student leader responsibilities encompass tasks before, during and after the Go Encounter trip. Prior to the trip, the student leader may assist the Trip Leader in recruitment, team meetings, and facilitating communication between students and the Institute for Global Studies in regards to forms and finances. During the trip, responsibilities may include taking photos and videos and assisting with debriefings and devotionals. After the trip, the student leader must provide a written report of the trip with photos & videos, and assist in final meetings and expense reports. If a student leader does not complete all tasks, the student leader discount may be removed.

What is the refund policy?

Refunds for students withdrawing from a Go Encounter will be based on the official date of action that is recorded by the Institute for Global Studies. Any non-recoverable payments made by Grace College on behalf of the participant before notice date will not be refunded. Most flights are reserved well in advance and are usually non-refundable. Students should expect to cover at least their flight costs, even if withdrawing 5+ months before the trip.


A participant who is withdrawing from a Go Encounter Trip or other CCFE option must contact the Institute for Global Studies to complete the appropriate forms. DO NOT ASSUME that another office at Grace will notify our office of your withdrawal. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the required paper work in order to receive an accurate refund based on the schedule below. The $250 deposit is non-refundable & non-transferrable.

Go Encounter CCFE Refund Schedule
according to beginning trip date

Still have a question?

Contact Us!

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1 Lancer Way, Encompass Hall, Winona Lake, IN 46590

574.372.5100 ext. 6133

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Office Hours:

Mon - Fri

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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